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Private Equity Property Investments

Investing in prime, well sourced Commercial Property is an excellent investment for any investor.  In order to take advantage of significant (and in most cases larger) investments it is sometimes necessary to pool like minded investors together.  In this way one is able to get full advantage of properties tenanted by better tenants and in better locations.

Bales and Associates is able to source and structure Private Equity Property Investments  for groupings of investors – whether one has one’s own grouping or whether you would like to be put in contact with like minded investors, Tony Bales is able to offer a full solution using his experience in purchasing commercial property as well as finance and transaction structuring.

The final legal framework will be one that is dictated to by the clients, but will essentially be uncomplicated and one that clients control.

In stark contrast to broader syndications, Private Equity Property Investments are arranged by Tony Bales, and after transactions have been structured and transferred, clients control their investments 100%.

Investors typically invest upwards of R200,000 cash and the number of investors is preferred to be 10 or less.
